
In the course of maturing and fledging, young Raptors often end up on the ground for several days before they can fly competently. In most cases, the parents watch over the grounded birds, feeding them and chasing off predators. Sometimes the young birds are able to climb up the tree to safer perches off the ground. When the youngsters are in a safe place and attended to by the parents, we should not intervene.

We got a call for an entirely different situation. The nest of some White-tailed Kites, 50 feet up in a mature redwood, blew apart, and two immature nestlings, too undeveloped to be out of the nest, ended up on the ground below in a residential backyard. The homeowners were able to put them in a box, and drive them to rehab.

The next day they discovered two additional nestlings that were caught in branches 25 to 30 feet up the nest tree. Over the course of the day, although the parents were nearby, they were not feeding their youngsters. Using an extension ladder, we were able to catch and transport these little guys to join their siblings in rehab at Penninsula Humane Society Animal Hospital. We hope they will mature and be released soon into their Menlo Park habitat. 


Thanks to the concerned residents for their efforts, and to the talented staff at PHS. Also much appreciation to generous donor Joanne Smith, whose contribution subsidized this rescue.